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Takasago International Corporation and its affiliates ("Our Group") recognize that personal information and specific personal information under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (collectively, “Personal Information”) have extremely important value, and it is crucial to be committed to take appropriate measures to protect such information, and endeavor to manage them.


1. Handling Personal Information

In order to fulfill the commitment, Our Group will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations with respect to all Personal Information handled in the course of business and effectively manage them in accordance with this policy.


2. Purpose of use

In principle, Our Group will clearly indicate the purpose of use in advance when we receive Personal Information from customers, employees, etc. ("Provider") and will use Personal Information only for the indicated purpose of use or for the purposes permitted by relevant laws and regulations.


3. Disclosure to Third Parties

Our Group will not disclose Personal Information provided by the Provider to any third party unless Our Group obtains the consent of the Provider or it complies with relevant laws and regulations.


4. Security measures

In order to prevent the loss, damage, alteration, and leakage of Personal Information provided by the Provider, Our Group will implement necessary and appropriate measures to ensure security management.


5. Disclosure, Correction, and Cease of Use of Personal Information

Upon receiving a request for disclosure, correction, or cease of use of Personal Information from the Provider who has provided Personal Information, Our Group will respect the intentions of the Provider and handle the request promptly and appropriately. For any questions regarding Personal Information, please contact the Personal Information Management Representative.


6. Maintenance and Improvement of Personal Information Management System

Our Group will continuously educate employees on Personal Information and strive to maintain and improve the management system necessary for the protection of Personal Information.


7. Cookie Information

When cookie information is used on the website of any company of Our Group, the company will determine the cookie policy and disclose the policy in its website terms of use.


8. Revision of Privacy Policy

Our Group will reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time, unless otherwise required by law.