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What if kaori were visible?

Japan has seventy-two distinct seasons—a new season arrives every five days. The changes in the seasons can be sensed in wild flowers, nuances of the wind, and insects appearing in the garden. Nature’s changes never stop. The habit of noticing each of these tiny changes led to Japan’s sense of kaori, a sense of smell that satisfies both body and mind, often translated as fragrance.

The first page you see at our corporate website takes up the theme of expressing kaori through other senses.
Aromas and fragrances cannot be communicated directly over the web, so the design uses color to represent kaori, changing regularly to present a new kaori each time you visit the site.

Takasago develops technology relating to kaori and we also play a part in developing the culture of kaori. Our website’s top page expresses that stance.

The kaori visuals change their color a little at a time along with the seasons.
The gradations change so that each visitor never sees the same visual twice.

Visit Takasago’s website to encounter, explore, and gain a sense for the depth and significance of kaori. Bring all your senses to bear on discovering hints at the next season carried by the air. Experience afresh the joy of kaori.

Japan’s 72 Microseasons and traditional colors of Japan
立春 Risshun (Beginning of Spring)
1 February 4–8 東風解凍
Harukaze kōri o toku
The east wind melts the thick ice.
2 February 9–13 黄鶯睍睆
Kōō kenkan su
Bush warblers sing in the countryside.
3 February 14–18 魚上氷
Uo kōri o izuru
Ice cracks, allowing fish to emerge.
雨水 Usui (Rain Water)
4 February 19–23 土脉潤起
Tsuchi no shō uruoi okoru
Rain falls, moistening the soil.
5 February 24–28 霞始靆
Kasumi hajimete tanabiku
Mist lies over the land.
6 March 1–5 草木萌動
Sōmoku mebae izuru
Trees and plants put forth buds.
啓蟄 Keichitsu (Insects Awakening)
7 March 6–10 蟄虫啓戸
Sugomori mushito o hiraku
Hibernating insects emerge.
8 March 11–15 桃始笑
Momo hajimete saku
Peach trees begin to bloom.
9 March 16–20 菜虫化蝶
Namushi chō to naru
Cabbage whites emerge from their cocoons.
春分 Shunbun (Spring Equinox)
10 March 21–25 雀始巣
Suzume hajimete sukū
Sparrows begin building their nests.
11 March 26–30 櫻始開
Sakura hajimete saku
Cherry blossoms begin to bloom.
12 March 31–April 4 雷乃発声
Kaminari sunawachi koe o hassu
Thunder rumbles far away.
清明 Seimei (Fresh Green)
13 April 5–9 玄鳥至
Tsubame kitaru
Swallows return from the south.
14 April 10–14 鴻雁北
Kōgan kaeru
Wild geese fly north.
15 April 15–19 虹始見
Niji hajimete arawaru
Rainbows begin to appear.
穀雨 Kokuu (Grain Rain)
16 April 20–24 葭始生
Ashi hajimete shōzu
Reeds begin to sprout.
17 April 25–29 霜止出苗
Shimo yamite nae izuru
Rice seedlings grow.
18 April 30–May 4 牡丹華
Botan hana saku
Peonies bloom.
立夏 Rikka (Beginning of Summer)
19 May 5–9 蛙始鳴
Kawazu hajimete naku
Frogs begin croaking.
20 May 10–14 蚯蚓出
Mimizu izuru
Worms wriggle to the surface.
21 May 15–20 竹笋生
Takenoko shōzu
Bamboo shoots sprout.
小満 Shōman (Lesser Fullness)
22 May 21–25 蚕起食桑
Kaiko okite kuwa o hamu
Silkworms feast on mulberry leaves.
23 May 26–30 紅花栄
Benibana sakau
Safflowers bloom in abundance.
24 May 31–June 5 麦秋至
Mugi no toki itaru
Barley ripens, ready to be harvested.
芒種 Bōshu (Grain in Ear)
25 June 6–10 蟷螂生
Kamakiri shōzu
Praying mantises hatch and come forth.
26 June 11–15 腐草為螢
Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru
Fireflies fly out from moist grass.
27 June 16–20 梅子黄
Ume no mi kibamu
Plums ripen, turning yellow.
夏至 Geshi (Summer Solstice)
28 June 21–26 乃東枯
Natsukarekusa karuru
Prunella flowers wither.
29 June 27–July 1 菖蒲華
Ayame hana saku
Irises bloom.
30 July 2–6 半夏生
Hange shōzu
Crowdipper sprouts.
小暑 Shōsho (Lesser Heat)
31 July 7–11 温風至
Atsukaze itaru
Warm winds blow.
32 July 12–16 蓮始開
Hasu hajimete hiraku
Lotuses begin to bloom.
33 July 17–22 鷹乃学習
Taka sunawachi waza o narau
Young hawks learn to fly.
大暑 Taisho (Greater Heat)
34 July 23–28 桐始結花
Kiri hajimete hana o musubu
Paulownia trees begin to produce seeds.
35 July 29–August 2 土潤溽暑
Tsuchi uruōte mushi atsushi
The ground is damp, the air hot and humid.
36 August 3–7 大雨時行
Taiu tokidoki furu
Heavy rains fall.
立秋 Risshū (Beginning of Autumn)
37 August 8–12 涼風至
Suzukaze itaru
Cool winds blow.
38 August 13–17 寒蝉鳴
Higurashi naku
Evening cicadas begin to sing.
39 August 18–22 蒙霧升降
Fukaki kiri matō
Thick fog blankets the land.
処暑 Shosho (End of Heat)
40 August 23–27 綿柎開
Wata no hana shibe hiraku
Cotton bolls open.
41 August 28–September 1 天地始粛
Tenchi hajimete samushi
The heat finally relents.
42 September 2–7 禾乃登
Kokumono sunawachi minoru
Rice ripens.
白露 Hakuro (White Dew)
43 September 8–12 草露白
Kusa no tsuyu shiroshi
White dew shimmers on the grass.
44 September 13–17 鶺鴒鳴
Sekirei naku
Wagtails begin to sing.
45 September 18–22 玄鳥去
Tsubame saru
Swallows return to the south.
秋分 Shūbun (Autumnal Equinox)
46 September 23–27 雷乃収声
Kaminari sunawachi koe o osamu
Thunder comes to an end.
47 September 28–October 2 蟄虫坏戸
Mushi kakurete to o fusagu
Insects close up their burrows.
48 October 3–7 水始涸
Mizu hajimete karuru
Fields are drained of water.
寒露 Kanro (Cold Dew)
49 October 8–12 鴻雁来
Kōgan kitaru
Wild geese begin to fly back.
50 October 13–17 菊花開
Kiku no hana hiraku
Chrysanthemums bloom.
51 October 18–22 蟋蟀在戸
Kirigirisu to ni ari
Crickets chirp by the door.
霜降 Sōkō (First Frost)
52 October 23–27 霜始降
Shimo hajimete furu
Frost begins to form.
53 October 28–November 1 霎時施
Kosame tokidoki furu
Drizzling rain falls gently.
54 November 2–6 楓蔦黄
Momiji tsuta kibamu
Maple leaves and ivy turn yellow.
立冬 Rittō (Beginning of Winter)
55 November 7–11 山茶始開
Tsubaki hajimete hiraku
Sasanqua camellias begin to bloom.
56 November 12–16 地始凍
Chi hajimete kōru
The land begins to freeze.
57 November 17–21 金盞香
Kinsenka saku
Daffodils bloom.
小雪 Shōsetsu (Light Snow)
58 November 22–26 虹蔵不見
Niji kakurete miezu
Rainbows disappear.
59 November 27–December 1 朔風払葉
Kitakaze konoha o harau
The north wind blows leaves off the trees.
60 December 2–6 橘始黄
Tachibana hajimete kibamu
Tachibana citrus trees begin to turn yellow.
大雪 Taisetsu (Heavy Snow)
61 December 7–11 閉塞成冬
Sora samuku fuyu to naru
The skies stay cold as winter arrives.
62 December 12–16 熊蟄穴
Kuma ana ni komoru
Bears hide away in their dens to hibernate.
63 December 17–21 鱖魚群
Sake no uo muragaru
Salmon swim upstream en masse.
冬至 Tōji (Winter Solstice)
64 December 22–26 乃東生
Natsukarekusa shōzu
Prunella sprouts.
65 December 27–31 麋角解
Sawashika no tsuno otsuru
Deer shed their antlers.
66 January 1–4 雪下出麦
Yuki watarite mugi nobiru
Barley sprouts under the snow.
小寒 Shōkan (Lesser Cold)
67 January 5–9 芹乃栄
Seri sunawachi sakau
Parsley thrives.
68 January 10–14 水泉動
Shimizu atataka o fukumu
Springs once frozen flow once more.
69 January 15–19 雉始雊
Kiji hajimete naku
Cock pheasants begin to call.
大寒 Daikan (Greater Cold)
70 January 20–24 款冬華
Fuki no hana saku
Butterburs put forth buds.
71 January 25–29 水沢腹堅
Sawamizu kōri tsumeru
Mountain streams gain a cover of thick ice.
72 January 30–February 3 鶏始乳
Niwatori hajimete toya ni tsuku
Hens begin to lay eggs.