Basic Approach
The Takasago Group promotes digitalization on a global scale.
The scope of this digitalization includes the integration of ERP systems, the automation of manufacturing, the digitalization of business systems including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the ongoing enhancement of IT security to respond to increasingly diverse and sophisticated cyber-attacks. In the process of promoting digitalization, we are also working to standardize business flows throughout group, which we believe will further strengthen “One Takasago.”
Plans — ongoing and future
Global Integration of ERP Systems

The goal is to standardize, streamline and improve the quality of operations by standardizing business flows that had varied from site to site. In addition, we are also working on visualizing data on a global scale aiming to accelerate decision-making and promptly respond to issues.
Functional expansion of the ERP system
Global integration of satellite systems, such as safety & regulatory affairs, CRM, and R&D .
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of flavors and materials
Takasago is implementing a next-generation R&D system that makes the most of the strengths of both human and artificial intelligence — rich creativity and complex modeling capabilities. A technology platform using an artificial intelligence with the ability to learn, reason, and make decisions in cooperation with our creative and R&D members has been established. Our Ai-T-Aroma™ artificial intelligence system integrates deep learning algorithms and it will make it possible to achieve unprecedented levels of R&D.
Automation Manufacturing
The Takasago Group believes that the combination of AI-based automatic recognition technology with industrial robots and conveyors has the potential to transform the traditional human-dependent production process of compounding flavors and fragrances.
Furthermore, by linking these automated facilities with a globally integrated ERP system, we aim to achieve a high level of safety, productivity and product quality.
A paperless working environment will make working from home a lot easier. Concurrently, we review our current business processes to move toward work standardization and the improvement of efficiency.

Human Resources Development
In response to the shortage of human resources due to the enhancement of digitalization, we have been working hard to recruit fresh graduates and mid-career workers who are interested in ICT, and also to best utilize and train the human resources we already have internally.
For example, we try to optimize local human talent globally for global projects, and this has become an opportunity for the human resource development of the entire group. The GSAP project consists of teams of various members, ranging from people in senior positions to people engaged where the rubber meets the road. We also actively support the participation of younger people, including for training purposes, and are systematically developing human resources with an eye toward the future.