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The Takasago Group is committed to respecting human rights in its business activities. To further clarify our stance on this area, we developed The Takasago Group Human Rights Policy in 2019. In addition, we established a procedure for human rights due diligence* referring to guidance published by the Japan Business Federation. In 2021, we summarized a wide range of human rights issues as Priority Human Rights Issues and added them to the Policy. We also incorporated them into The Takasago Group Supplier Code of Conduct in order to strengthen human rights initiatives throughout our supply chain. We explain the Code of Conduct to our suppliers from whom we procure not only raw materials but also all goods and services and ask them to comply with the Code of Conduct in order to promote human rights protection throughout the entire supply chain.

*Human rights due diligence: a process starting with identifying human rights risks, responding to issues, and disclosing information.

Embodying the policy, we established a system for human rights due diligence which identify, prevent, mitigate, and review relevant risks.