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Takasago Europe G.m.b.H.(ドイツ)

Production area extension: 8,700m² with storage areas, powder and naturals production


Powder production area
Powder production area
Naturals production area
Naturals production area
Storage area
Storage area
Takasago Europe G.m.b.H.(ドイツ)

Office area extension: 1,600m²

Energy management system ISO 50001:2011

Garbage meticulously sorted

The Takasago Europe GmbH strives to continuously improve their energy-related performance based on the requirements of the international standard EN ISO 50001. This serves to realize the defined energy-related targets of our company and thus to contribute to the protection of people, nature and climate. In 2014, the site in Zülpich was certified for the first time. 

Reduction of emissions

Reduction of emissions

A system for the regenerative thermal oxidation of odour-laden exhaust air was installed and put into operation. Due to the high degree of heat recovery from the ceramic heat exchanger material, this form of waste air purification is a particularly efficient exhaust air treatment method. The system is heated with natural gas and comes equipped with 3 heat storage reactors. These reactors serve for exhaust air preheating, combustion and clean air cooling. In case of low pollutant concentrations the automatic connection of the burner ensures the required temperature in the combustion chamber. In case of high pollutant concentrations the incineration plant operates autothermally. This means that the temperature in the combustion chamber can also be maintained without using the natural gas burner.

Health and safety

The company doctor and the safety expert regularly inspect workplaces, carry out risk assessments and organize occupational safety committee meetings. Additionally an index on consultations regarding occupational health care and preventive measures is kept.

Communication with local community

25th anniversary

Takasago Europe GmbH is actively participating in various activities showing our commitment and support to local communities.

On March 20th 2017, we celebrated our 25th anniversary and, at the same time, the opening of the new production and office-building. Gathering representatives of local communities and all employees, we shared food with “Die Tafel”, a volunteer organization providing food to people in need.

25th anniversary

The maintenance of our planted area is in the hands of Nordeiffelwerkstätten, an association providing work and income to handicapped people.

Business Run

Committed to our Logo „Triple T“, Takasago Europe GmbH actively promotes teamwork and team spirit.

We encourage the team spirit by sponsoring team activities of our employees. Our football team regularly attends different local football-cups with great success.

For the second year already a steadily growing team of employees attends “Business Run” in Cologne, an event in Cologne, gathering about 15.000 people and where part of the attendance fee is used for local projects supporting people in need.

Business Run

History and culture / education

Takasago is strongly engaged in providing insight and education to young people. We regularly open our doors and provide an overview about job opportunities.

Business Run
Business Run

We have a strong collaboration with one of the leading European Business Schools, EU-FH close to our premises. Our students spend 2 days per week in the Business School, 3 days per week they are provided practical training and support in our company.