ACI Conference 2024
Takasago participated in the ACI※1conference in Orlando, Florida, USA, from January 29th–February 2nd.This event is held annually as an industry association convention mainly to share information about the issues that the industry is facing including government policies, sustainability initiatives s, as well as newly developed technologies. We welcomed many clients and suppliers to our beautifully designed conference room based on the concept of "Japan’s 72 microseasons" ※2. It was an incredible week to reconnect with our business partners who came to the room and had a meaningful exchange of opinions.
※1 ACI : The American Cleaning Institute, founded in 1926, is an organization of the cleaning agent industry in the United States. Its mission is to promote growth and innovation in the cleaning products and to contribute to the improvement of human health and quality of life.
※2 72Microseasons is a method of expressing the seasons devised in ancient China, in which the 24 seasonal divisions are further divided into three periods of approximately five days each. It has been modified to suit the climate and sensibilities of the Japanese people.
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