Regularly Conducting Human Rights Due Diligence
In 2019, we established a procedure for conducting human rights due diligence referring to guidance published by the Japan Business Federation. We identified each division related to our five stakeholders*, such as Human Resources & General Affairs, Procurement, Production, Logistics, EHS, Quality Assurance, etc., and made a check list consisting of items per divisions. This checklist is updated annually taking our business activities and global trends into account. Secondly, we conduct interviews with relevant divisions at all sites (per company unit) using the checklist every year. After the interviews are conducted, the results are summarized and verified at Headquarters. The results are then reported to the Board of Directors and are disclosed on the website and in the Sustainability Reports.
In addition, the scope for identifying risks has been expanded at sites in Japan and overseas. In fiscal 2021, no human rights violations were reported at Group companies.
* Five stakeholders: shareholders, investors, customers, suppliers, employees and local communities
Process of Human Rights Due Diligence

Process | Contents |
1. Identify scope and develop due diligence scheme |
We identified five stakeholders: Shareholders, society, suppliers, customers, and employees as areas where risks might be present in our business processes. We developed a questionnaire referring to the Human Rights Due Diligence Implementation Guideline issued by Japan Federation of Bar Associations to identify risks. |
2. Identify risks |
Conduct a survey using questionnaire at all sites. After the survey, all sites submit the questionnaire with answers and a confirmation letter to Global Integration HQ. |
3. Make an action plan |
Make an action plan for identified risks |
4. Implement action plan and report results |
Implement the action plan made in 3. Report the results to the Board of Directors. |
Identify risks
- Conduct a survey with each department following a questionnaire.
- Report the results to your affiliate manager and ask their signature on the confirmation letter.
- Send the check list with results and the confirmation letter to GIHQ
Make an action plan
- Review the results of the survey, and conduct additional survey if necessary.
Make an action plan to identified risks - Implement action plan and report results
- Report the results of this Due Diligence and actions to be taken (if any) to Board of Directors.